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Message Scroller (Big and Styled Characters)


    Programmer - Aditya Gupta (aka. Techy15)
    Language - C++


//Known Bug : It doesn't scroll if it the length of the bigger string matches the terminal width, for a second or so

 * VIM : :%s/foo/bar/g finds and replaces ALL 'foo' with 'bar'
 * A - 65
 * a - 97
 *Observation - Terminal in windowed mode has a heiht of 23 lines, width of 80 characters; and in full screen, has a height of 38 lines, and width of 169 characters [Useful for creating clrscr alternative with newlines] */

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>

#ifdef _WIN32   //Macro defined by MSVC (Microsoft Visual C++) compiler (not g++)
    #include <windows.h>
#elif __linux__
    #include <sys/ioctl.h>
#elif __MINGW32__   //MinGW (g++)
    #include <windows.h>
#elif __CYGWIN__    //CygWin (g++)
    #include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

//char l[12][8][10]={{"---------","|  ---  |","|  | |  |","|  ---  |","|  | |  |","|  | |  |","|  | |  |","---- ----"},{"--------|","|  ---  |","|  | |  |","|  ---  /","|  ---  |","|  | |  |","|  ---  |","--------/"},{"--------|","|       |","|  -----/","|  |","|  |","|  -----|","|       |","--------/"},{"--------|","|  ---| |","|  |  | |","|  |  | |","|  |  | |","|  |  | |","|  ---/ |","--------/"},{"---------","|       |","|  ------","|  --|","|  --/","|  ------","|       |","---------"},{"---------","|       |","|  ------","|  |","|  ====","|  |","|  |","----"},{"--------|","|       |","|  -----/","|  |","|  |=====","|    |  |","|    |  |","-----/  |"},{"---   ---","| |   | |","| |   | |","| ----- |","| ----- |","| |   | |","| |   | |","---   ---"},{"---------","|--- ---|","   | |   ","   | |   ","   | |   ","   | |   ","|--- ---|","---------"},{"---------","|--- ---|","   | |   ","   | |   ","   | |   ","   | |   ","/--- -   ","|----/   "},{"---   ---","| |  / /","| | / /","| /  /","| |  |","| | | |","| |  | |","---   ---"},{"----     ","| |      ","| |      ","| |      ","| |      ","| |     ","|-------|","|-------|"}};

string l[26][8]={{"---------","|  ---  |","|  | |  |","|  ---  |","|  | |  |","|  | |  |","|  | |  |","---- ----"},{"--------\\","|  ---  |","|  | |  |","|  ---  /","|  ---  \\","|  | |  |","|  ---  |","--------/"},{"--------\\","|       |","|  -----/","|  |     ","|  |     ","|  -----\\","|       |","--------/"},{"--------\\","|  ---\\ |","|  |  | |","|  |  | |","|  |  | |","|  |  | |","|  ---/ |","--------/"},{"---------","|       |","|  ------","|  --\\   ","|  --/   ","|  ------","|       |","---------"},{"---------","|       |","|  ------","|  |     ","|  ====  ","|  |     ","|  |     ","----     "},{"--------\\","|       |","|  -----/","|  |     ","|  \\=====","|    |  |","|    |  |","-----/  |"},{"---   ---","| |   | |","| |   | |","| ----- |","| ----- |","| |   | |","| |   | |","---   ---"},{"---------","|--- ---|","   | |   ","   | |   ","   | |   ","   | |   ","|--- ---|","---------"},{"---------","|--- ---|","   | |   ","   | |   ","   | |   ","   | |   ","/--- -   ","|----/   "},{"---   ---","| |  / / ","| | / /  ","| /  /   ","| \\  \\   ","| | \\ \\  ","| |  \\ \\ ","---   ---"},{"---      ","| |      ","| |      ","| |      ","| |      ","| |      ","|--- ---|","\\-------|"},{"---   ---","|  \\ /  |","|       |","|  \\ /  |","|  | |  |","|  | |  |","|  | |  |","---- ----"},{"---   ---","|\\\\   | |","| \\\\  | |","| |\\\\ | |","| | \\\\| |","| |  \\\\ |","| |   \\\\|","---   ---"},{"---------","| ----- |","| |   | |","| |   | |","| |   | |","| |   | |","| ----- |","---------"},{"---------","| ----- |","| |   | |","| -----/ ","| |      ","| |      ","| |      ","---      "},{"---------","| ----- |","| |   | |","| |   | |","| |   | |","| =======","| ======|","---------"},{"---------","| ----- |","| |   | |","| ----- /","| |\\  \\  ","| | \\  \\ ","| |  \\  \\","---   ---"},{"---------","| |      ","| |      "," \\ --- \\ ","      | |","      | |","|--- ---|","\\-------|"},{"---------","---| |---","   | |   ","   | |   ","   | |   ","   | |   ","   | |   ","   ---   "},{"---   ---","| |   | |","| |   | |","| |   | |","| |   | |","| |   | |","\\ ----- /"," ------- "},{"---   ---","| |   | |","| |   | |","| |   | |","| |   | |","\\ \\   / /"," \\  -  / ","  -----  "},{"--     --","||     ||","||     ||","||     ||","||     ||","\\\\  |  //"," \\\\/ \\// ","  -   -  "},{"--     --"," \\\\   // ","  \\\\ //  ","   \\ /   ","   / \\   ","  // \\\\  "," //   \\\\ ","--     --"},{"---   ---","\\ \\   / /"," \\ \\ / / ","  \\   /  ","   | |   ","   | |   ","   | |   ","   ---   "},{"---------","-------/ ","     //  ","    //   ","   //    ","  //     "," /-------","---------"}};

void scrollstr(string);
void printstr(string,int);    //spac takes space
void capitallize(string*);
int numspaces(string);
void clearscr(void);
void set_h_w(void);    //Set terminal height & width

int terminal_height, terminal_width;

int main(){
    string str;
    cout<<"Enter String (length<"<<int(terminal_width/10)<<") : ";
    getline( cin , str);
    return 0;

void set_h_w(){ //USE MORE ADVANCED
    #ifdef __linux__
        winsize w;  //struct winsize
        ioctl (STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w);
        terminal_height = w.ws_row;
        terminal_width = w.ws_col;
        GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi );
        terminal_height = csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top + 1;
        terminal_width = csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left + 1;

void capitallize(string *s){
    for(int i=0; i<(s->size()) ; i++)
        (*s)[i] =  toupper((*s)[i]);

void scrollstr(string s){
    short space=0, length = 10*(s.size()) - 6*numspaces(s), tmp_width = terminal_width;
    bool flag=true;
        while ( terminal_width < length ){  //110 -
            tmp_width = terminal_width;
        cout<<"\nCan't Display in this Resolution!\nYou May Change Back!";
            cout<<"Terminal Width ("<<terminal_width<<") is less than Required Width("<<length<<')'<<endl;
            while( tmp_width == terminal_width ){   //to prevent it doing it thousand times
        if (space >= terminal_width - length )
        else if( space == 0 )
        if(flag) space++;
        else space--;
        tmp_width = terminal_width;
        usleep(70000); //arguments in microseconds

void printstr(string st,int spac){
        int i,j,k;
        for(i=0;i<8;i++){                                   //Prints the characters linewise (NOTE: Till now, it doesnt actually know... which character?... This is actually being managed by the 3rd for loop)
            for(j=0;j<spac;j++) cout<<" ";                        //Animates the SCROLLING
                if(st[k]==' ') cout<<"   ";
                else cout<<l[(int)(st[k])-65][i];//Prints the lines of the given character (NOTE: the expression int()-65 is to actually relate the ASCII Value of entered value to the location in array)
                cout<<" ";

int numspaces(string s){
    short i=s.size(),j=0;
        if(s[i]==' ') ++j;
    return j;

void clearscr(){
    for(int i=0 ; i<terminal_height; i++)


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