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Using 'ls' command as a replacement of 'find'

Advantage over find - Actually not probably in terms of speed, but... only point of this is that it's an observation, but... you can do like 'search only in' */*/*Programs* , /*/*Programs*/* , this may compensate the extra time took by using two commands

1. To search in current folder only (1 level... only this folder, no subfolder)
    Type... ls | grep Search_Term
2. To search in current folder only (till level 2... this folder + subfolder)
    Type... ls * | grep Search_Term

#ls and ls * are NOT same!

3. To search in current folder only (till level 3... this folder + subfolder + subfolder)
    Type... ls */* | grep Search_Term
4. To search in current folder only (till level 4... this folder + subfolder + subfolder + subfolder)
    Type... ls */*/* | grep Search_Term
... and so on...

FORMULA - To search till 'n' level (considering current folder as 1)... go till (n-1) stars

If wanting to search whole disk... better type stars, like this... ls * ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** ********
Then put slashes between them from end to start... or copy this : ls * */* */*/* */*/*/* */*/*/*/* */*/*/*/*/* */*/*/*/*/*/* */*/*/*/*/*/* */*/*/*/*/*/*/*


  1. How boring myself 😂

    Lekin ha, ye bhi achha idea tha, us time mereko '-max_depth' flag nhi pta tha, to bahut time leta bemtlb .git etc directories deep search krne lgta tha wo :'D

    1. Hah, you did not know many flags 2021 adi 😂


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